Saturday, October 20, 2018

Books and Biscuits

for Todd Bol, 
founder of the Little Free Library movement
rest in peace

In my neighborhood, dear one,
books wait for me around the corners
in little wooden boxes built with care that say
“Take one. Leave one.”

Text books, magazines, dog-eared classics
and brand new bits of wisdom 
or adventure.
I pull old friends off my shelves,
fill my backpack, 
and leave them by the armload.
They always find a home.

Your neighborhood may not be so blessed.
In your home, books are in short supply, 
but in this room we share,
we share -
words and stories, truth and laughter
snake skins and hand prints and 
portraits of princesses, 
robots and monsters,
hugs and tears and knock-knock jokes.
Take one. Leave one. 

And we will meet 
for hot chocolate and sourdough biscuits
on some fall day
surprised by sunshine
and books.

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